13-19 Canberra Avenue,
St Leonards

The development of a new mixed-use residential development at 13-19 Canberra Avenue, St Leonards, comprising of 81 residential apartments built above a ground floor cafe with a childcare centre and multi-purpose community facility and 4 levels of basement car parking. The project provides a landscaped east-west pedestrian thoroughfare to connect Canberra Avenue to Holdsworth Avenue. The project is being advanced by Hyecorp.


Welcome to the UrbanTalk project listing for 13-19 Canberra Avenue, St Leonards. The Project listing explains the Development Application (DA 162/2021) that was approved by the Sydney North Planning Panel on the 24th of June 2022.

Project details

13-19 Canberra Avenue, St Leonards
Local Government Area
Lane Cove Council
Project Type
Development Application Approved on 24th June 2022



Mersonn Pty Ltd



The site at 13-19 Canberra Avenue St Leonards is located in the heart of the St Leonards South Precinct. In 2020, Lane Cove Council adopted the St Leonards South Development Control Plan (DCP) and Landscape Master Plan, establishing the new urban structure of the Precinct and the planning controls to guide its future development for higher density residential development supported by pedestrian thoroughfares, local parks, community and recreational spaces.

These plans also incorporate a Site Amalgamation Plan, which groups existing residential properties into future development sites. The site at 13-19 Canberra Avenue, as illustrated in Figure 1, is a future development site and is referred to as Area 5.

The development proposed by Hyecorp responds to the site’s location adjacent to Newlands Park, the desire to respect the amenity of existing residents and the new planning and landscape controls for Area 5 in the St Leonards South Precinct.

The development complies with the Council’s floor space and height controls and incorporates a range of community benefits that were identified by the Council to support existing and future residents of St Leonards South. Further information about the planning considerations and community benefits is provided below on this project listing.

Figure 1. Lane Cove Council site amalgamation plan for St Leonards South. (13-19 Canberra Avenue is Area 5)
Source: Council’s Draft Development Control Plan – Part A, (2017), page 25

The Development Application

The DA that has been approved by the Sydney North Planning Panel allows for:

  • The demolition of the 4 residential dwellings at 13-19 Canberra Avenue.
  • A mixed-use building with a maximum height of 12 storeys incorporating:
    • 81 residential apartments.
    • Ground level cafe.
    • 60 place childcare centre with 530 square metre outdoor play area dedicated to Lane Cove Council.
    • Multi-purpose community facility that will be dedicated to Lane Cove Council.
    • Communal rooftop garden.
    • A range of amenities for future residents, including a gym, cinema, music room and pool.
    • 4 basement levels providing car parking for 116 vehicles, 10 motorbikes and 30 bicycles, resident storage spaces, building services and a loading dock. Basement access is from Canberra Avenue.
  • An east-west landscaped pedestrian thoroughfare to connect Canberra Avenue through to Holdsworth Avenue with an amphitheatre, civic square and public lift.
  • The strata and stratum subdivision of the development.

Hyecorp lodged the DA with Lane Cove Council on the 19th October 2021 (DA reference number DA162/2021). Neighbouring residents were advised of the DA and was publicly exhibited for 28 days, during which time local residents were able to make a submission to the Council about the project.

The Development Application

The DA was unanimously approved by the Sydney North Planning Panel on the 24th June 2022. In granting the approval, the Planning Panel noted that:

The Panel notes the proposal has benefited from extensive consultation between the Applicant, Council and community and concurs with Council that the DA achieves the required standard for development with the St Leonards South Precinct.

During assessment and the public meeting there was considerable debate about compliance with the DCP’s guideline setbacks. The proposed design setbacks were extensively canvassed during the assessment and design review process, in discussions with Applicant and Council and in the public meeting. The Panel notes the Applicant and Council consultations have resulted in the setback minor non-compliances being offset by significant community benefit in design excellence and facilities.

The Panel notes that a draft Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA) was exhibited with the Development Application and a condition of consent has been recommended requiring that Council and the Applicant enter into the VPA prior to the issue of the first construction certificate.

The Panel recognised that the Applicant made further changes to the design in May 2022 to reduce the number of storeys to ensure height and storey compliance with Lane Cove’s LEP and DCP.

The Panel also recognised that the final proposal flowed from extensive design refinement through the Northern Sydney Region of Council’s Design Review Panel and Design Excellence Panel prior to the lodgement of the Development Application. The Panel concurs with Council that the final proposal exhibits design excellence as required for all development within the St Leonards South Precinct.

The Panel notes the proposal has been properly assessed against the relevant parts of Section 4.15 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979. The proposed development responds to the site constraints, is consistent with the planning controls, would provide for the planned density and achieve design excellence on one of the more constrained sites within the St Leonards South Precinct.

Consequently, the Panel believes approval of the DA would be in the public interest.

Community Benefits

The development application will provide extensive community benefits that can be enjoyed by future residents of the development and the broader St Leonards community. These benefits include:

A 60 place childcare centre dedicated to Lane Cove Council. The centre has been designed in conjunction with the Council’s childcare team and provides both an expansive indoor play area (412 square metres) and an outdoor play area (530 square metres) that exceed minimum requirements.

The childcare centre has 19 parking spaces allocated within the basement car park, and it has its own separate point of entry.

A multi-purpose community facility dedicated to Lane Cove Council measuring 151 square metres in floor area and designed with a balcony to ensure it is an attractive community space with natural light and outlook.

The facility is equipped with kitchen and bathroom facilities and has been designed as an accessible space. Its internal layout means makes it suitable for a wide range of uses, from a meeting room to yoga classes. The hire of the space will be managed by Lane Cove Council.

The east-west landscaped pedestrian thoroughfare dedicated to Lane Cove Council connecting Canberra Avenue through to Holdsworth Avenue.

This important pedestrian link is being provided in accordance with the St Leonards South Landscape Master Plan. It is 15 metres in width and incorporates extensive civic facilities, including seating, an amphitheatre, civic space and a public lift, as well as areas of soft landscaping that will be planted with a variety of shrubs and trees to complement the landscape of Newlands Park.

  • A monetary contribution. The monetary contribution is estimated at $2,538,323.00.

Hyecorp is providing these community benefits to Lane Cove Council in perpetuity under a formal planning agreement. The planning agreement is a legal document that is drafted in accordance with the requirements of Section 7.4 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. The Planning Agreement is exhibited at the same time as the DA.

Architectural Stills & Plans

Project Status

Site Analysis




Development Application


Development Application


Not yet started
Not yet completed

Site Description

The site is located on the western side of Canberra Avenue, south of the intersection with Marshall Avenue and west of Duntroon Avenue. The site comprises the 4 residential properties that are referred to as 13,15,17 and 19 Canberra Avenue. These properties have a combined site area of 2,629 square metres. The combined frontage to Canberra Avenue is 61.08 metres. Vehicle access to the sites is from Canberra Avenue.

Key features of the site and its locational context include:

  • It enjoys a parkside location opposite Newlands Park to the south-east. The Park is an important local feature, and the new development integrates with the Park through the landscaping concept and the provision of the east-west pedestrian thoroughfare, providing a valuable connection between the Park, Canberra Avenue and Holdsworth Avenue.
  • It is within walking distance of the St Leonards Commercial Centre, St Leonards train station and the new Metro station currently under construction. This geographic proximity makes the development of the site at a higher density viable and desirable.
  • There is a significant fall in the slope of the land of over 6 metres (or two storeys) from north to south. The landscaped east-west pedestrian link incorporates a public lift to improve accessibility between Canberra Avenue and Holdsworth Avenue and the new green spine. The building form also takes advantage of the fall of the land as the new building is set into the slope, allowing two half storey levels to address the Canberra Avenue frontage.

Neighbouring Development

The site is located in the St Leonards South Precinct that is transitioning to a higher density residential area as illustrated below by the artist’s impression in Figure 10.

Figure 10. Artist’s Impression of the Future St Leonards South Precinct
Source: SJB Architects 2021

The site is bound by future development sites to the north, south and west that are referred to as Areas 3, 4, 6 and 7 in Figure 1. Specifically:

  • It is located near to recently constructed residential apartment developments to the north in Marshall Avenue and to the south-east in Duntroon Avenue.
  • Existing dwellings to the south and west of the site known as 21-41 Canberra Avenue and 18-32 Holdsworth Avenue are being developed for five residential flat buildings (ranging in height from 6 to 10 storeys) comprising a total of 319 residential apartments and 10 terraces fronting Canberra Avenue.
  • Existing development to the immediate west comprises of the four residential dwellings 10-16 Holdsworth Avenue. These dwellings share a common western boundary with the site. As illustrated in Figure 1 the properties form Area 6 on the site amalgamation plan and will be redeveloped in the near future for higher density residential housing in accordance with the St Leonard South Precinct controls.

The images and photographs below in Figures 11 to 14 illustrate the land use context of the site.

Figure 11. Photograph of the Newlands Park to the east of the site
Source: Mersonn SEE 2021
Figure 12. Photograph of high density residential development to the north of the site
Source: Mersonn SEE 2021
Figure 13. Photograph of the Pavillions residential development to the south-east of the site in Duntroon Avenue
Source: Mersonn SEE 2021
Figure 14. Artists impression of the neighbouring development to the south at 21-41 Canberra Avenue & 18-32 Holdsworth Avenue
Source: Bates Smart SEPP 65 Report 2021
Satellite map

The Design

The final architectural design has evolved from a design excellence review process, which involved Hyecorp and their architects, SJB, meeting on several occasions with Lane Cove Council’s Design Review and Design Excellence Panel. The architectural plans have been progressively reviewed by the Panel, and the final design has evolved from the resulting feedback to ensure design excellence is achieved. A report summarising the design review and excellence process forms part of the development application documentation. The Design Review and Design Excellence Panel has commended the final design.

The key design principles used by SJB Architects to guide the design of the development are discussed below.

Principle 1 Context and Neighbourhood Character

The development contributes to the community and civic quality of the St Leonards South Precinct. Hyecorp has worked closely with Lane Cove Council to design a development that will cater to the needs of both the existing and future residents. The east-west pedestrian thoroughfare, north south green spine, multi-purpose community facility, childcare centre and cafe will ensure this new development is not only physically located in the heart of the Precinct but importantly socially integrated with the broader St Leonards community.

Principle 2 Built Form and Scale

The project’s built form resulted from carefully considering height planes, setbacks to public spaces, and preservation of light and solar access to public spaces and Newlands Park.

The stepped building form means the side setback distances increase proportionally with the height of the building. The setback areas form landscaped terraces. The building is designed as two interlocking towers. The northern tower element is higher, while the lower southern tower has two half storeys set into the slope created by the 6 metre height difference between the north and south boundary. Incorporating terrace housing into the first 4 storeys of the southern tower at the Canberra Avenue frontage gives the development a ‘street edge’ and ‘pedestrian scale’ when viewed from Canberra Avenue and Newlands Park. The corners of the building have also been rounded to soften the form and minimise overshadowing. Notably, the development will not overshadow Newlands Park. Figure 15 illustrates the built form considerations that underpin the development.

Figure 15. Built form and scale considerations
Source: SJB Architects 2021

Principle 3 Density

The permissible density of development is measured by its floor space ratio, which calculates the quantum of floor space that can be provided on a site. The proposal has a floor space ratio of 3.42:1, lower than the 3.7:1 that is allowable under the Lane Cove Council planning controls for the site.

Principle 4 Sustainability

The proposal incorporates several sustainability principles. These include:

  • 70% of apartments receive a minimum of 2 hours of direct solar access.
  • 60% of apartments are cross-ventilated.
  • Extensive landscaping minimises stormwater runoff from the building structure.
  • Compliance with BASIX requirements which is the Australia wide sustainability benchmark for new residential development.
  • Use of solar panels on the roof.
  • Provision for electric car and bicycle charging.
  • Provision of car-sharing facilities.

Principle 5 Landscape

The landscape concept in Figure 9 shows how landscaping is incorporated into the development.

At ground level, the development is surrounded by greenery. A 15 metre wide east-west landscaped pedestrian thoroughfare aligns the southern boundary and incorporates an amphitheatre and cafe space. The children’s outdoor play area at the western boundary integrates with the future north-south green spine of adjoining sites which will incorporate public art, seating and recreational spaces.

The terraces formed by the setbacks are landscaped throughout the building to provide green edges that soften the building form. A rooftop community garden provides residents with uninterrupted city views and amenities for casual entertaining.

Principle 6 Amenity

The development provides a high level of amenity for future residents – the design and orientation of apartments maximise daylight access, cross-flow ventilation and access to views. As detailed in Principle 5, landscaping is integral to the design and also contributes to the quiet enjoyment and amenity of the development. The variety of communal and public open spaces provide both future residents and the established residential community access to landscaped pedestrian connections, a new outdoor children’s play area and a variety of spaces for casual recreation and quiet enjoyment.

Principle 7 Safety

The design promotes safety and security both within the public domain and for future residents of the development by :

  • building entrances that have security intercoms are identifiable and allow for passive surveillance.
  • An architectural facade treatment that differentiates between public and private zones at the Canberra Avenue frontage.
  • Unobstructed sightlines to the pedestrian thoroughfare and public lift.
  • Security swipe cards and remote controls for car park entry and well-lit basement levels are designed with minimal obstructions and alcoves.
  • Separate car park access and designated parking spaces for the childcare centre.

Design Principle 8 Housing Diversity and Social Interaction

Catering for a wide range of age groups and household types, the development offers a choice of apartment sizes that include studio, one, two and three bedroom apartments. Within the offering, there are also apartments designed as Park facing terraces and others that incorporate media rooms.

The design facilitates and encourages future residents to interact through the communal rooftop garden, gym and cinema room. The cafe, childcare centre, multi-purpose community facility, landscaped green spine and east-west thoroughfare provide further opportunity for new residents to casually interact with the broader St Leonards community.

Design Principle 9 Aesthetics

As explained in Principle 2 the built form has been carefully considered and crafted. The facade design, the choice of natural stone, and a colour palette of neutral colours is a deliberate response to its parkside location. The facade treatment has a high proportion of solid structure to glass. A consistent pattern of vertical columns and horizontal bands provide solidity, depth and visual interest, which is reinforced by the use of stone and terrazzo at the lower levels. Landscaping is used from ground level through to the roof to provide green edges and accents that further reinforce the connection to Newlands Park.

Further information about the design can be found in the report prepared by SJB Architects titled SEPP 65 Design Statement that forms part of the DA documentation for the project.

The Design Team


The award-winning SJB Architects have designed the development. They have followed the design excellence process, which has involved meeting at set intervals with the Lane Cove Council Design Review and Design Excellence Panel. In addition to preparing the architectural plans that accompany the DA, they also prepared a report that describes the design review process and a Design Statement (Called a SEPP 65 Design Statement).


Mersonn Pty Ltd is the planning consultant on this project and prepared the Statement of Environmental Effects (SEE), which formed part of the DA documentation.

Landscape Architecture

Site Image is the landscape architect on the project. They formulated the landscape concept and have designed the east-west pedestrian thoroughfare, the outdoor play area for the childcare centre, the communal rooftop terrace and the landscaped setbacks and balcony treatment. Their work forms part of the DA documentation and can be found in the Landscape Concept Report and the accompanying landscape plans.

Statistics At A Glance

Site Area2,629 sqm
Land Use ZoningR4 High Density Residential under the Lane Cove Local Environmental Plan 2009.

The proposed development is permissible in the R4 Zone with the consent of the Council.
Total Apartments84 apartments including:
• 1 studio
• 26 one bedroom
• 28 two bedroom
• 29 three bedroom
Total Floor Space Ratio (FSR)Permitted 3.7:1
Provided 3.42:1
Landscape Area
Deep Soil
51.9 % or 1,373 square metres (40% required)
13.8% or 365 square metres
Maximum Height at ridgeline of the Ritz buildingProvided 44 metres
• Front (Canberra Avenue)
• Rear

4 metres
12 metres
Total Parking134 car spaces, 10 motorbike spaces and 30 bicycle spaces

Planning Considerations


The Statement of Environmental Effects (SEE) prepared by Mersonn Pty Ltd provides a thorough assessment of the development against the State and Local Government planning controls. The SEE formed part of the DA documentation that was submitted to Lane Cove Counci.

The relevant state and local planning controls that apply to this development are found in:

  • SEPP 55 – Remediation Of Land
  • SEPP (BASIX) 2004
  • SEPP Infrastructure
  • SEPP 65 – Design Quality of Residential Flat Development
  • SEPP Education Establishments and Childcare Centres
  • Lane Cove Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2009 (Part 7 Additional Local Provisions St Leonards South Area)
  • Lane Cove Development Control Plan (DCP) 2009 (Part C Locality 8 St Leonards South)

The development substantially complies with all relevant planning controls. Important considerations concerning height, density and building from are discussed below.

Building Height and Density

There are two statutory planning controls that guide the height and density of the development. These are prescribed in the Lane Cove LEP 2009 under Part 7, Clause 7.1. The proposed development complies in full with these controls. The two controls are:

  1. A 44 metre height control for the site. The architectural elevations and sections in FIgures 4-8 show the development sits under 44 metres in height and complies with this control.
  2. The control for density is the floor space ratio (FSR), and it is a measure of how much floor space you can build on a site. The site has a maximum FSR of 3.7:1. The proposed development has an FSR of 3.42:1, which is well under the 3.7:1 allowed.

The Building Envelope

The term building envelope describes the silhouette of a building. The Lane Cove DCP 2009 establishes a building envelope control for Area 5. As identified in Figure 1, the proposed development is located in Area 5. The proposed development responds to the building envelope controls in the following ways:

  • The development has been designed as two interlocking vertical towers, the higher northern tower and a lower southern tower. The design is under the 44 metre height limit and gradually steps back from the site boundaries with height. This stepping creates a series of terraces that are landscaped to create green edges that soften the building form. This can be seen in the artist impressions in Figures 2 and 3.
  • The development complies with the 4 metre front setback requirement from Canberra Avenue and is setback a further 3 metres at Level 6 as required. The landscape concept in Figure 9 illustrates how the setback is landscaped. The architectural section in Figure 8 notes the Canberra Avenue setback.
  • The development provides the required 12 metre setback from the rear western boundary that adjoins the green spine. The expansive 530 square metre outdoor play area for the childcare centre opens onto the spine. The architectural section in Figure 8 notes the western boundary setback.
  • The setbacks to the north and south boundaries influence the extent of building separation that will occur in the future as the surrounding sites are developed. As explained in the discussion about Design (Design Principle 2), the building has been pushed towards its southern boundary to increase the setback from the northern boundary (this adjoins Area 3). The southern boundary is adjoined by the 15 metre wide east-west pedestrian thoroughfare, which provides added separation from the building to its south ( in Area 7 ).

The proposed builing envelope and architectural design has evolved from a design excellence review process, which involved Hyecorp and their architects, SJB and Site Image, meeting on several occasions with Lane Cove Council’s Design Review and Design Excellence Panel. The Design Review and Design Excellence Panel has commended the final design.

Construction Management

It is anticipated that construction will commence in the 4th quarter of 2022. It is estimated that the project would take between 18-24 months to complete.

Hyecorp is an experienced builder and understands the stress that construction can cause local residents. This is why they will set up a Community Liaison Committee at the commencement of construction. The Committee will meet at agreed intervals to discuss the progress of the build and any resident grievances.

Nominations for the Community Liaison Committee will shortly be called, at which time further information will be provided about the construction process.

Introducing Hyecorp

Hyecorp is an Australian family-owned and operated award winning property group. Founded in the early 1990’s, they have three decades of experience delivering luxury apartments on Sydney’s North Shore and particularly within the Lane Cove Local Government Area. This project will be Hyecorp’s 10th development in the Lane Cove Local Government Area. Hyecorp is also the builder of all of their apartment projects which ensures they can at all times control the quality of their build.

With a strong connection to the communities in which they live and develop, it is within the DNA of the company to give back to local communities through community grants, donations, sponsorships and volunteering. The delivery and dedication of the new childcare centre, community hall and east west pedestrian link to Lane Cove Council continues Hyecorp’s ongoing commitment to the community as part of this project.

Their unique business model recognises that exceptional apartments start with exceptional designs. They combine their own in-house design knowledge with that of Australia’s leading architectural practices, with many of their projects winning industry awards.

Q & A Webinars

On the 30th November 2021, UrbanTalk and Hyecorp hosted an online community information session through Zoom Webinar. Both a recording of this session and the PowerPoint slides have been provided below.

Recorded on 30th November 2021

Development Application Information Session

Thank you to everyone that attended and asked questions at our webinar. We invite anyone that was not able to attend or would like to revisit the session to view the recording and the PowerPoint slides, which can be downloaded below:

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