Construction Updates
Staying in touch with the community.
Staying in touch with the community.
Construction Updates help keep the community up-to-date during the construction of a development.
Regular podcasts and videos give an overview of what’s happened and what can soon be expected on site. This transparency lifts the lid on a process that can often seem to cut out local residents. Providing a sense of certainty to locals can help remove unwanted surprises in what is often a disruptive process for a neighbourhood.
Ready to find out more? Send us your query and one of the UrbanTalk team will be in touch soon.
Ensuring that the community is in the loop is a great way to build trust and demonstrates the desire for a continued, positive relationship with the people in the area.
Multimedia tools have the ability to make communications personal. They allow local residents to actually hear a voice and connect with the people behind the project in a meaningful way.
Consumption of both podcasts and video has consistently increased year on year and is projected to continue rising. Engaging with communities through media they are already consuming is an effective way of cutting through walls of text in a newsletter or bulletin in the mail.
These brief Construction Updates are intended to be casual and conversational, removing industry jargon and the rigid formality that keeps the community at arm’s length.
Podcasts are 10-15 minutes in length and provide a brief rundown on what has been achieved on site since last update. It will also crucially inform local residents about what they can expect over the coming weeks.
Recording of the Podcast
Audio Edit
Podcast Hosting
The videos can be used as a companion to the podcast or a more detailed, stand-alone Construction Update. Visuals can be used during construction to explain what words cannot. This lends itself well to milestone updates or periods following rapid change.
Shoot Plan
Half a Day of Shooting Onsite
Recording of Audio
Picture Edit
Audio Edit
Video Hosting
If you had custom arrangements like extended lengths or other extras in mind, we’d be happy to accommodate them. These podcasts and videos can be as often or infrequent as you like. Choose to commission a monthly Construction Update Podcast with a quarterly Video, or decide as you go.